The 科罗拉多理工大学™ 企业参与中心 works with employers to help their employees streamline access to education, 提供与职业相关的培训, 并可能为企业培训提供大学学分.
The CTU 企业参与中心 is dedicated to creating a smooth path for adults who are seeking to advance their education and careers with:
CTU offers grants in connection with your employer to increase access to higher education for employees.
CTU巴黎人澳门赌场在哪是为忙碌的成年人设计的,他们正在平衡自己的职业生涯, 家庭和其他责任. Flexible online courses can help you study at your own pace and fit your education into your schedule.
The CTU 企业参与中心 will pair you with advisors who will assist you throughout your educational journey, 他们将接受公司政策和协议方面的培训.
The CTU 企业参与中心 is dedicated to creating a smooth path for adults who are seeking to advance their education and careers with:
我们的100%在线, mobile-friendly degree programs let you pursue your education at your own pace wherever you are, 在一天中的任何时间. 课程一年开课好几次,只持续5周.
用CTU移动电话, 你可以边走边学习,上你的课, 作业, 学生顾问, 成绩, 和更多的. CTU移动电话可以让你进入你口袋里的虚拟校园.
证明你的能力,通过CTU快速通道,就可以为你已经知道的知识获得赞誉™ 考试——可能缩短毕业时间.1
向CTU申请,并在几天内收到答复. 不需要入学考试或费用申请.
通过你的雇主致力于你的教育,并在CTU探索大学学位的机会. The CTU Corporate Center for Engagement can collaborate with your employer to create an accessible and affordable path to higher education.
在离开学校将近20年之后, CTU承诺资助在我决定攻读MBA的过程中起了重要作用! 我的学费援助,加上承诺助学金,覆盖了我100%的学费. Achieving this degree has enhanced my management skills and provided me with financial acumen that is needed to make solid business decisions. 凯蒂,2021
了解如何在雇主的帮助下获得学位. 巴黎人澳门赌场在哪!
1 The ability to reduce time in school and/or reduce tuition towards the full cost of a degree program depends on the number of CTU快速通道™ 顺利通过考试. 快速通道课程学分不可转让. 并不是所有的项目都有资格在时间和金钱上减少30%. 符合条件的课程可能会有所变化. 学生 should not rely on potential Fast Track savings or eligibility when making an enrollment decision.
把你的学费补助转变为有目的的教育福利. 通过高等教育赞助,您影响了员工的生活. 与CTU企业参与中心合作, 你可以简化员工接受教育的渠道, 提供与职业相关的培训, 推动组织的战略性招聘和人才保留.
吸引, retain and cultivate goal-driven employees through a purpose-driven educational engagement plan with CTU. Our 企业参与中心 team has successfully launched thoughtful employee programs with many corporations, 教育机构及专业协会.
我们的团队将努力配合您的教育文化, 了解你的学习和发展需求, and deliver a program tailored to your employee development and retention requirements—including the opportunity to create a debt-free degree pathway for your employees with our Commitment Grant.
Create grant programs that align with your higher education values and transform your tuition assistance program into a purpose-driven education benefit.
We’ll co-create and deliver specialized communication campaigns to meet the needs of your program and spread awareness of your tuition benefits with your employees.
你的项目和员工都是独一无二的,并且会有定制的学生入职, 学生成功辅导, 和计费.
Offer your employees the opportunity to further their education with an industry-relevant degree while also working to improve on-the-job performance.
Provide access to real-world curriculum that can challenge employees to build upon their current on-the-job skills.
Make your company’s tuition benefits go further with a tuition grant from CTU that may cover up to 100% of eligible tuition, 包括电子书和学费.
除了加入CTU企业参与中心的优势之外, 你的员工可以从CTU的经验中受益, 包括:
The Evolution of McDonald’s National Education Partnership with 科罗拉多理工大学
麦当劳教育策略总监 & 《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》,丽莎·舒马赫著
为您的员工提供学位途径.- 超过90% of CTU student survey respondents who received a CTU Commitment Grant said that the grant positively impacts their perception of their employer.3
- 超过90% of CTU student survey respondents who received a CTU Commitment Grant said that the grant impacted their decision to enroll.4
- 不向您的公司或员工收费
- 每学期学费计费 – you don’t pay for the full year up front (pay only for classes your employee actually attends)
- 自定义计费和报告 -我们适应你的流程和政策(我们喜欢你本来的样子).
- 没有最低学生要求 -如果我们帮助你帮助一个员工,这是值得的.
- 没有最低支出要求
- 通讯材料不收费 -我们免费为贵公司提供定制的宣传材料.
- 没有排他性 -我们不会规定你能和谁一起工作,不能和谁一起工作.
- 学术课程选择 -基于贵公司的政策
- 专业支持团队 -应您的要求, 我们可以帮助您的学生浏览您的学费援助过程, 通过在公司的培训获得大学学分, 或者遵循特殊的入学要求.
- 无义务1:1视频咨询 – employees can register for a no-obligation consultation to learn about their company specific benefits at CTU
- 毕业@Work -庆祝毕业是我们一年中最喜欢的时刻-无论我们是否在网上庆祝, 在丹佛, 或者在你的工作场所举办毕业典礼!
The partnership between CTU and my employer is 100% the reason why I felt confident and able to go back to school for my MSN.
您有兴趣加入CTU企业参与中心吗? 巴黎人澳门赌场在哪!
1 The Commitment Grant may cover the remaining cost of completing a CTU degree after applying the portion covered by the Corporate partner's employee tuition assistance. 如果学生选择申请联邦贷款, 他们不再有资格获得承诺奖助金, 因此没有资格享受免债务教育.
2 转移学分是根据个人情况评估的. 并非所有学分都可以转换. 转学分政策见大学目录.
3 基于2558名CTU承诺资助调查接受者的2023年调查数据(1月至7月). 这个问题的313个答复者中有290个表示肯定. 受访者受雇于121家不同的公司.
4 基于2558名CTU承诺资助调查接受者的2023年调查数据(1月至7月). 在313名受访者中,有300人给出了肯定的回答. 受访者受雇于121家不同的公司.